Add/Edit Form Page

By clicking on any form, you will navigate to its editing view. Under the “Form Grid”, you can edit the added Field’s label or delete it if not required.

Note: If you are editing the Form page, you cannot change the Entity, Form Type, or cannot use the ready list from CRM (Use Existing). You can edit the fields of the entity and its Layout.

You can preview the ‘Form’ by clicking on the Preview button; you can check the entity layout. (Screenshot-2)


> Create (Add) a new Form layout

You can create a Form for any other entity. By clicking on the + Create button, a popup will appear where you need to insert the ‘Title’ of the Form. Click on the Next button to design the layout. (Screenshot-3)

Under the “Layout” tab, the different layouts (body) are provided to manage the Fields in that and display the portal content as you want it to be displayed. You can simply drag & drop the required fields into the ‘Form’ grid. (Screenshot-4)

Under Web Forms, by selecting the ‘Entity’, you can design the layout for the Add, Edit & Detail pages individually for a new page. (Screenshot-5)

Here, there are the “Advanced options” provided: Copy to Edit & Copy to Detail.

You can copy the ‘Add’ form design for the ‘Edit’ form and ‘Detail’ form as well.

– By selecting these options, you can copy the ‘Add’ form for the ‘Edit’ & ‘Details’ forms that will create the same design for the form layout and same Fields.

– If you are designing the ‘Edit’ form, you will get the Copy to Add from. (Screenshot-6)


Notes Access

If you are designing the ‘Detail’ form, you will get the Notes Access option to provide the Note access for the customer portal users and allow the portal users to add any Notes for further communications. (Screenshot-7)


Once you have added the fields and designed the layouts, you can Publish the Form or keep it as a Draft.