Theme Customization

You can customize the Theme Colors, Font style & Font colors for the Admin Portal and for the Customer Portal as well. You can customize the below elements:

Base Font Family: Choose a font to use for the main body text and for the menus.

Title/Heading Font Family: Choose a font to use for all the headings and titles of the Portal.

Theme Background Color: Choose color to display as a background color to the body part.

Foreground Color: Choose color to display content background color.

Primary Color: Choose a primary colorto be displayed most frequently across all the modules. This color will appear for text / iconography.

Success Color: Choose color to display when the action performs get success. (Toast Notification)

Danger/Fail Color: : Choose color to display when the action performs get fail or any error. (Toast Notification)

Warning Color: Choose color to display warning. (Toast Notification)

Base Font Color: Choose color for body text and description of Portal main content.

Link Color: Choose color for all text to which links have been added

Reset: You can set back to default theme and fonts by clicking on the Reset button.


By clicking on the Save button, the theme & fonts of the Admin Portal & Customer Portal will be updated.