Salesforce Lightning

For role settings click on the ‘App Launcher’ icon and you will be redirected to the All Item screen. Now click on ‘Customer Portal Roles’.

Now for adding a new role, click on “New”.

Fill the required details and click on the “Save” button to add a new role.

Once the role is added, open the role and assign contact to that role by clicking on “New”.

To manage module access for a particular role, navigate to Role detail page -> Module Access Tab.

Note: You can also edit the Default Role of the Customer Portal Role.


Object Access Setting

By clicking on the ‘Object Access’, Object Access Setting will popup.

The standard (default) and custom objects that are enabled in the ‘Object Configuration’ will directly reflect in the Object Access Setting.

From here, enable the Objects by checking the Access option and assign the rights to Create/Edit/Delete as per requirement.

Relationship selection is provided to select the relationship between objects and contact or other relation.


Enable Product Selection

To enable the Product selection, you must have enabled that object. Once you enable the access, you can enable the ‘Product’ for that object.
You can also enable the ‘Product’ if you want to provide product selection while adding records in the customer portal.

You can also edit the access rights for the custom object.
After configuring the Object Access click on the “Save” button.

If you have enabled the new Object and enabled the access rights, by saving the setting, you will be notified to set the Layout for a newly added Object.


Enable Case Deflection

To enable the ‘Case Deflection’, click on Role Settings.

Check the box under the Case Deflection title to enable it. And then click on Submit to save the setting.

Note: Case deflection will only work if the solutions and cases module is enabled.


Assign Role to Contact:

Steps to Set fields in contact layout: Go to Setup -> Object manager -> Contact object -> Page layout -> Contact layout -> Drag and drop (Enable Customer Portal, Username and Customer Portal Role).

Note: Here, you do not need drag and drop the ‘Password’ field for the security purpose. The password generation link button is provided separately in the contact details.

For assigning roles to a specific contact, navigate to the list view, and select any contact.

Fill out information i.e. Username, Portal Role, and Enable Portal and click on save.

You can generate a password link by clicking on the “Send Generate Password Link” button and it will directly send mail with set password link. From that link, you can generate a new password.

Note: If you are unable to see “Send Generate Password Link” button, then navigate to Setup -> Object Manager -> Contact object -> Page Layout -> Contact Layout -> Buttons -> Drag and drop “Send Generate Password Link” button to custom buttons.