Profile & Forgot Password widgets

Profile & Forgot Password widgets


Profile: This widget is used to see the user profile details from the user portal. Insert the label names of the profile:

– Profile Form: Select the Form page for the Profile.

– Edit Profile Label: Insert the label for the edit profile.

– Change Password Label: Insert the text label for the change password.

– Edit Profile: Button Label: Insert the button label for updating the profile.

– Change Password: Button Label: Insert the button label for Change Password.

– Design Layout: You will get the 3-predefined Design Layout (Style) for the Profile page. Select any design layout to display in the customer portal.


Forgot Password: It provides the functionality to reset passwords for registered users.

You will find the following options for Forgot Password widget:

– Title: Insert the label of the forgotten password title.

– Description: Insert an instructive message for the Forgot Password field.

– Forgot Password Button text: Insert the label of the button.