Portal User Forms

Portal User Forms


Navigate to the Design -> Form Builder to design & configure the Form layout for the add/edit and the detail page of different entities. You can design the dynamic layout of any module form using the Form Builder fields.


You can design the layout of the form page of the portal. By clicking on the “Form”, you will navigate the Form Builder page list.


By selecting the listing record(s), you can duplicate or delete the record(s).


You can filter and search the specific form records by clicking on the ‘Filter’ icon.


You can filter the form listing records by inserting the “Title”, “Status”, “Owner”, “Entity”, and “Date”. After inserting the title and/or selecting details, click on the Apply button to filter the listing.


You can ‘preview’ the Form view design by clicking on the ‘eye’ (preview) icon.


If you have enabled multiple languages then you will have the ‘Translate’ icon. By clicking on the icon you will be able to translate the forms in the portal. 


In the languages column you can see the enabled languages in the portal. 


Here the translated languages will be shown in the dark-colored button and the languages that are not translated yet will be shown in the light-colored button.