Page Builder

Navigate to the DesignPage Builder to design & configure the Form layout for the add/edit and the detail page of different entities. You can design the dynamic layout of the pages for the ‘list view’ and ‘form view’ of the different entities.


By clicking on the “Page Builder”, you will navigate to the list of the Page Builder page.


You can search the specific Page record by inserting the text caption


You can filter the specific Page records by selecting its Status: Published or Draft


You can search the Owner wise Page builder records. You will get the Owner(Admin users) list in the dropdown.

By enabling the owner from the dropdown list, you will get the Page records.


You can filter the Form builder records as per the selection of the duration or custom date range.


By selecting any Page record, you can perform such actions as ‘Duplicate’, ‘Delete’, and ‘Translate’.


You can ‘preview’ the Page layout by clicking on the ‘eye’ (preview) icon.


By clicking on the ‘ellipsis’ icon, you will get some actions to edit the Form record, Delete, Duplicate, and move to Draft/Publish.