Salesforce Lightning

By clicking on Field Management, you can manage the fields of the selected Object.

Here you will get two sub-menus under “Field Management Settings”:
General Management & Advance Management.

General Management

You can manage Fields related to all the general details and text captions that will be displayed in the customer portal.

– Field Name: You will get the list of the fields as per the selection of the Object under the Portal Layout Settings.

– Field Label: Insert the desired ‘label’ of the field so portal users can easily recognize the fields.

– Help Tip: Insert a short/instructive message regarding the Field.

– Validation message: Insert custom validation messages for the Field to give the mandatory instruction.

– Placeholder: You can insert a custom Placeholder for any field to display what to insert in the specific field. This placeholder will be applicable only for text fields.

– Picklist selection: By using Picklist selection, you can define the limits from the Picklist selection for the customer portal.

If there are 5 options in the picklist of any field but you want to allow a maximum 3 options selection out of 5 options, the portal user can select up to 3 options in the portal, but the customers cannot select more than 3.

– Required: If any Field is mandatory from the portal side, tick the ‘Required’ option. The portal users will get it as a mandatory field.

– Read Only: If you want to provide a field that should not be editable for the portal user but just want to display there, tick the ‘Read Only’ option.

– Searchable: Portal users can filter the records as per the search option. If you want to add the field in the search option in the portal, select that field as ‘Searchable’.

Advance Management

In “Advance Management” for the fields, you can add and manage the visibility and multi-selection of the fields by defining the hide/show for other fields.
Ex. If Field B depends upon Field A and you want to display the “Field B” based on the selection of the ”Field A”, you can define this conditional visibility for the fields under Advance Field Management.

– Advance field management will work as follows:

Select the field for visibility:

You must select the field for visibility to perform and manage the other conditional field. You will get the fields in the ‘visibility list’ as per the selection of the Object.

Select Default Visibility:

You need to select the ‘default visibility’ for that field. Define what activity (visible/hide) you want to perform when the customer selects the visibility field.

i.e., If you select the visible here and the page loads, the selected field is visible to the customer in the customer portal. But, If you have selected hidden here, by default the selected field will be hidden.

– Condition match:

You can define the hide/show for the selected field as per the ‘conditional field’. Based on the Conditional Field, the default field visibility will change.


When the “Default Field Visibility” is selected as Visible, if the “Conditional Field” is matched, the default field visibility will be changed to “hidden” and the selected Field will be hidden in the portal. In this case, if the portal user selects the Field which is the “Conditional Field”, the selected field for the visibility will be hidden from the portal page.

But when the “Default Field Visibility” is selected as Hidden, if the “Conditional Field” is matched, the default field visibility will be changed to “visible” and the selected Field will be displayed in the portal. In this case, if the portal user selects the Field that is the “Conditional Field”, the selected Field for visibility will be displayed from the portal page.

Conditional Field: Select the ‘field’ on which you want to perform the field visibility (hide or display visibility).

Multi-Select Matching Category: You can select the condition to match from here.

If you want to set the condition to match any of the values, select the “Any” option. i.e., OR condition.

If you want to match multiple exact options, select the “ALL” option. i.e., AND condition.

Conditional Field Option: Select the values on which the conditions should match.

You can add more field visibility conditions by clicking on the ‘Add’ + icon and provide the conditional field visibility for multiple field selection.

If any Field visibility management is no longer in use, you can remove it by clicking on the ‘delete’ icon.