From where we can Edit and Add Field Labels in Form Builder?

To add and edit the field in the Form builder, navigate to the Design ➤ Form Builder, you will land on the “Form” page. Now click on the “Edit” button of the form you need to edit/add fields, then you will be redirected to the “Edit” page. 

Here, you can edit the layout of the field as per your requirement. 

You can configure the following details for the Fields:

  • Label: Insert the relevant text caption.                                                           
  • Placeholder: Insert the caption into the input text field.    
  • Tooltip: Insert the short details as mouse hover effect.

Once you have added the fields and designed the layouts, you can Publish the Form or keep it as Draft. 

  • If you have selected the Copy to Edit and Copy to Detail, the pages will automatically be created for the selected copy options.     

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