Yes, you can create multiple roles in the portal. Navigate to Portal User Management ➤ Roles, you will land on the “Roles” page. You can add and manage the roles for the portal user.
By clicking on the “Create Role” button, you can add a role for the portal users. Insert the role details as follows.
Role Name: Enter the role name.
Is Default: Select True if the role is the default.
Status: Select Active to keep the role enabled.
Relation Type: Select the relation type.
Description: Enter the description for the role.
Enable the entities that you want to enable for the portal users. The Relationship selection is provided to select the relationship that is created in the CRM between the contact and the entity.
If you have authenticated SharePoint in the CRMJetty Portal, you can manage the documents sharing rights for the portal users.
From here you can enable the “Document Access” and allow to add the files & folders to the portal users from the customer portals. You can enable the “Delete” option if you want to give permission to delete.
After configuring all the details, click on the “Save” button to save the details.